Nassim Haramein: The Resonance Project Foundation

In an infinite fractal of rotation, how do you define the center? Every point is the center. You are the center of the universe observing the universe from your very own center. Wherever you pick a point of observation in the fractal, that point becomes the center from which you’re observing the universe. That point becomes stillness. Why stillness? Because in that point now, all the spins of the universe cancel out.… You need stillness to have a frame of reference for rotation… And that’s how singularity occurs. Singularity is the point at the center of your experience of the universe, that is the point of stillness from which you’re observing the universe.”

– Nassim Haramein

 By Sebhia M. Dibra

My journey into physics began in January of 2015 where I was invited to do field work in Kaua’i, Hawaii.

Nassim Haramein is the director of research at the Resonance Project Foundation, a non-profit organization geared toward the connection of the universe focusing on, in simple terms, the micro (very small) and macro (very large) levels. His research laboratory was also located on the permaculture farm, where there was fresh food prepared daily from the organic farm located on the property. I started writing a textbook during that period of time while working 9-4pm shift learning about what plants grow under what conditions and all of the types of fruit on the premises. The original plants, fruits, crops and trees on Kaua’i are not all native to the island because 1,000 of the 1,300 species of plants suffered extinction from the arrival of the early Polynesians to the arrival of the European settlers. Another interesting fact is that an island which I was unfamiliar with before my stay called Ni’ihau – do not necessarily like visitors other than from Native Hawaiians. This is explained from the early settlers stripping the lands their families lived on – and probably suffered after there was barely enough vegetation to survive.

Upon my stay, I did realize that Nassim’s work provided a new breakthrough to physics. Many scientists agree his work is less than the margin of error for his experiments based on his extraordinary intelligence in physics and quantum physics. Some of his work can be seen in his new movie called “The Connected Universe” which will be coming out in 2016.


Connection to others


A thought provoking statement that we may not think about because we are unable to comprehend: do you know how you are connected to all 7, 273,405, 490 people in the world?   Well, do you understand the connection that you share with all living things – include specific mathematical patterns – that can be seen all across the Universe, are also found in you?


Before we get into this, let’s discuss what we are made up of:




Observing Atoms


Observing our universe from where we are as the center of the universe – as Nassim outlined in the quote at the beginning of this article. Our own observation is also our own unique perception. Observation in the things we see and do not see is a very interesting concept in physics. Of course, I can see the table in my kitchen, but I cannot see the billions of atoms vibrating, holding the image of the table together.    Everything we see, feel, smell as well as the elemental experiences found in nature (water, air, fire, wind) are all parts of a larger fundamental pattern in the universe – and very small ones – atoms. Atoms make up all matter (such as tables, your favorite movie theater, cheese, trees, oceans, stars and planets) in the universe. Although, known to many physicists, matter is made up for 99.9999% space. Nassim states that it is the space that defines matter, not that the matter defines space. (Haramein, 2012) Atoms are fundamental particles that consist of a central nucleus surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons. The nucleus of an atom contains positive particles (protons) and electrically neutral particles (neutrons). Within seconds after the “Big Bang”, all of these positive, negative and neutral particles flooded the universe, hitting into one another at fast speeds and eventually, these particles created matter. So basically, protons, neutrons, electrons and atoms all make up what we inherently see day-to-day, moment-by-moment – you, me, the Earth, and those spectacular auroras in the northern hemispheres of the planet. Well, observation of these atoms affects these fundamental particles in two ways. One of these ways is that: observation affects reality. This means that the observer affects the observed reality. The greater amount of watching correlated with increasing the influence of particles – and affecting how they behave in the laboratory. In this case, electrons are forced to act like particles – not like waves. In a way, they are changing their own behavior so that the observer will see them as entities doing what they should be doing. Once they are not observed, they are both a particle and a wave.

You, me, the laptop or mobile device you are reading this from right now — are all made up of the same thing, atoms vibrating at different frequencies depending on whether the things observed are solid, liquid or gas. In essence, we are all made up of the same thing – energy. That is one conclusion that diminishes thoughts of separateness. Pretty neat, huh?



Our Thoughts are Energy


Our brain can be measured as an electromagnetic field and each thought emits certain frequencies based on the type of thought we have. A thought can be positive, transformational and colorful, or negative and grey.



nassim haramein the resonance project foundation 2016 the connected universe black holes physicistRetrieved from Emilio Garcia, Flickr


I am sure most of you have watched “The Secret”. “Thoughts create things” is a popular motto for the documentary. Positive thoughts are more powerful than negative thoughts. We create our lives with our own thoughts. As a shift into the 21st century, we are learning more about the human brain and our abilities of the executive control we have over our thoughts. We are capable of changing our lives, our perceptions and our health by our thoughts. Positive thoughts create ideal experiences and lead us to make better decisions in our lives, which can ultimately add up over time and create ideal experiences and the things we want. We are all manifestations of someone’s thought – since physicists have clearly stated, “The universe could have not existed without mind entering into it.”



Nassim Haramein’s New Theory: The Holofractographic Universe


The Holofractographic Universe is the name of the Unified Field Theory proposed by physicist Nassim Haramein. This theory explores the fractal, holographic nature of the structure of space. For example, Nassim often speaks about “spin” and how there is relevancy of spinning throughout space. You can observe spinning in hurricanes, twisters, when we throw a ball, stir our coffee, and, in the universe. These natural universal follow dynamic patterns. A fractal in physics represents a similar geometric structure that can be found in smaller scales, such as snowflakes (micro) and galaxies or cosmological level (macro). In simple terms, fractals are the same patterns repeated at all scales. See this picture below, for instance. This is a large-scale fractal motion of known set of clouds called von Karman vortex, which is a repeating pattern of swirling vortices.


nassim haramein the resonance project foundation 2016 the connected universe black holes physicist
NASA image acquired September 15, 1999 This Landsat 7 image of clouds off the Chilean coast near the Juan Fernandez Islands (also known as the Robinson Crusoe Islands) on September 15, 1999, shows a unique pattern called a “von Karman vortex street.” This pattern has long been studied in the laboratory, where the vortices are created by oil flowing past a cylindrical obstacle, making a string of vortices only several tens of centimeters long. Retrieved from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


If you take a look at the picture below, this is cyclone with exponential similarities to our milky way.

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Retrieved from NASA

Nassim proposes that similarities found in nature – such as spinning and quantum gravity – also makes up the structures of space-time manifold.


Now take a look at this carbon molecule and the energy dynamics surrounding the particle:

nassim haramein the resonance project foundation 2016 the connected universe black holes physicist

Retrieved from Crossing The Event Horizon



Spinning is seen everywhere and in everything. Haramein introduces torque, torsion and rotation into Einstein´s equations to explain spin – and give us a better understanding of how the universe works. The last three photos include Nassim’s own theoretical version of similarities in nature – and these happen to be a vorticular dynamic of the space-time torque. Vorticular or vortex is a whirling mass of water or air, as seen in the above three photos at different quantum levels, that sucks everything near it towards its center.


These patterns are seen in the molecular or Planck level and are also in other larger parts of the human body. For example, muscle fibers have their own arrangements and patterns.

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Retrieved from Quain’s elements of Anatomy, Flickr


The hearts fibers loop around each other to form a vortex called the heart vortex and spiral around each other to become a delicate arrangement known as the apical vortex (Pasipoularides, 2010).


This ever- changing view in the fundamental concepts of the universe has inspired my own personal academic writing and completely changed my writing style in health and academia. As I continue to explore this new and exciting way on how to live with physics in mind, I suggest you do the same.

Physics has to do with energy and energy has to do with everything.

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