The Connected Universe

The Resonance Project Logo, Nassim Haramein, The Resonance Project Foundation, Physics, Sacred Geometry, Space

If you are a spiritual person, or know someone who might be, it is likely that you have at some point heard the phrase- “we are one.” This refers to the idea that we are all connected by a conscious universe. Not everyone agrees with this, for a few reasons. Many people are religious and do not wish to consider other explanations of life other than the ones they were taught to believe, based on faith and not facts. Another reason the theory of “oneness” may be rejected is due to the lack of mainstream, scientific evidence to prove and support the theory.

And this, my friends is where Nassim Haramein comes in. For over twenty years, Nassim Haramein has been known for his lectures on unification theory across the globe. From childhood, Haramein has questioned the fundamentals of matter and energy in the universe. His investigations have involved physics, geometry, chemistry and biology as well as exploring consciousness. Haramein is the Director of Research of the Resonance Project Foundation that he founded twelve years ago. His impressive team consists of scientists, electrical engineers, physicists and mathematicians, all dedicated to exploring unified field theory.


In the video- ‘The Connected Universe: A fundamental transformation of human awareness’ as seen in the link below, Nassim Haramein is giving a lecture at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo. Here he shared new research discovered about the Connected Universe we all live in. In this mind-blowing and informative lecture, Haramein shares a different fundamental view to show how we are all connected.

The Big Bang Theory is the current “explanation” of how the universe was created. This theory stems from a belief that the universe is disconnected. There is not a solid explanation of how, from the Big Bang Theory, everything came into existence. The probability of something like the Big Bang Theory occurring is an absolute miracle. So what does that mean? God? This theory does not have factual evidence, so again it is something believed because of a limited understanding of the universe. If the universe is not connected, everything must be random and all evolution is coincidental. This also means that life has no meaning or purpose and everything in our very own existence is only a fluke.

On the other hand, we can view the universe as a connected, infinite process or information network in which EVERYTHING is as one. Not only does this resonate within us, it is factually proven by Haramein’s research. The question is- HOW are we all connected? What is it that says you, me, nature and the stars are one in the same? The answer may be more obvious than you think. And although obvious, the answer is seemingly complex.

Even the most well-known and respected physicists such as Albert Einstein tried to discover and unlock the equations to the missing link and finally it has been done. If you have ever looked at the stars and wondered about this life, pay attention because now we are that much closer to finding out the answers. Do yourself a favor and check out Nassim Haramein explain his fascinating findings.

‘The Connected Universe: A fundamental transformation of human awareness’

Video link-

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